Natural Shades are one of the most elegant shades to accent a nature inspired home. Timber frame, log cabin, rustic, and farm house styles all pair with the colors and textures of natural shades that gives off a rustic look but feels exciting and new. More than half of Blind and Shutter Worx’ sales come from natural shades. Currently being produced in even more colors and material options makes natural shades fit any style or decor of a home. Made of all natural materials, natural shades consist of wood bound together with cloth to make environmentally-friendly shades and speak to consumers who want to incorporate green products into their home. Natural shades can come in standard roman, looped roman and old roman styles. Liners can be added to the shade that will give added privacy or if desired, black out a room entirely. Also, liners can be reversed to give neutral color to the street in neighborhoods that have covenants or restrictions allowing the consumer to have any color shade inside the house.

Natural Shade Features

Can be mounted inside or outside window trim

Free matching natural shade valance including mounts and return if necessary

Optional cord, cordless, remote/electrical, and continuous loop operation

Edge banding to add accent and protect the sides of the shade

Multiple valance options including wood and premium natural shade upgrades

Privacy and room darkening liners can be added to any natural shade

Rolled edge extensions keep chords from fraying to extend chord lifetime

Universal brackets make maintenance and installation a breeze

Multiple shades can be added to one headrail to accommodate larger windows

Top down/bottom up to allow shade to be opened in either direction
Decorative Valances Edge Banding Looped Shade Style Option Multiple On 1 Headrail Old Style Roman Option Privacy Liner Standard Roman Style Option Valance Only Option Accent Rods Angle Top Continuous Loop Cut Out